Join the Mug Club
Join the Brass Elk Brewery Mug Club and unlock a host of exceptional benefits. From enjoying our signature brews in a special 18oz IPA beer glass to receiving discounted beer prices, priority reservations, exciting updates, and unique merchandise, our Mug Club is designed to elevate your experiengce to new heights. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of the Brass Elk Brewery family and indulge in a world of perks and privileges.
Join for only $50 per year or $150 for a lifetime
Perks of being a Mug Club Member:
Brass Elk T-Shirt
In-house brews served in a unique 18oz IPA glass
$1 off beer every day
Tuesday specials: $3 off 64oz Growler refills, $1 off 32oz Crowlers
One-week priority reservations for special events and dinners
Email updates on upcoming beers, events, swag, and more
Brass Elk keychain representing Mug Club membership
32oz Crowler on your birthday
Plus, take home your 18oz glass in December